Favorites for Andreas Reuter
Install Andreas Reuter favorites
SonarQube for IDE
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML, as well as other languages.
PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse
PyDev is a plugin that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE (supporting also Jython and IronPython). It uses advanced type inference techniques which allow it to provide...
EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Includes the HTML, CSS, and JSON Editors, and JavaScript Development Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project, aimed at supporting client-side web development and node.js...
Buildship Gradle Integration
Extend your Eclipse IDE to support building software using Gradle. This solution is provided by the Eclipse Foundation.
Checkstyle Plug-in
The Checkstyle Plugin (eclipse-cs) integrates the well-known source code analyzer Checkstyle into the Eclipse IDE. Checkstyle is a development tool to help you ensure that your...
Eclipse Marketplace Client
The Eclipse Marketplace Client is a rich client solution for installing solutions listed on Eclipse Marketplace directly from an Eclipse Installation. The Eclipse community has...
AnyEdit Tools
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
Yaml Editor
Just a YAML editor. Features: Fast and small Supports Go Templates (e.g. Helm charts) - see #76 Simple code completion for existing words Replacing always tab keypress by spaces...
DBeaver is free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It supports more 100 preconfigured database drivers. Features: database schema...
TM Terminal
A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal). That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are...
Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Includes the XML, XML Schema, and DTD Editors and Tools, and XSL Developer Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project. For questions and troubleshooting, please use our...
e(fx)clipse is a set of plugins who make developing JavaFX 2 application with your favorite IDE an excellent experience. It provides wizards, specialized CSS and XML editors needed...
JAutodoc is an Eclipse Plugin for automatically adding Javadoc and file headers to your source code. It optionally generates initial comments from element name by using Velocity...
Mylyn integrates defect and project management systems, build systems and other software development tools with Eclipse.
Cucumber Eclipse Plugin
An Eclipse plugin for Cucumber . New Feature list in the version available from the update site: Lambda Expression support for Cucumber-Java8 Content Assistance for feature file...
CodeMix 3
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
Eclipse m2e - Maven support in Eclipse IDE
M2Eclipse provides tight integration for Apache Maven into the Eclipse IDE with the following features: Rich editor for pom.xml files Launching Maven builds from within Eclipse...
The eclipse-pmd plug-in integrates the source code analyzer PMD into the Eclipse IDE. Everytime you save your work, eclipse-pmd scans your source code and looks for potential...
Batch Editor
This plugin is an editor for windows batch files (*.bat, *.cmd) Features Syntax highlighting Outline Quick-Outline (CTRL + o) Open referenced labels by hyperlink Simple code...
Angular IDE
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
Eclipse Java Development Tools
The Java Development Tools (JDT) project contributes a set of plug-ins that add the capabilities of a full-featured Java IDE to the Eclipse platform.
Eclipse Embedded C/C++
The Eclipse Embedded CDT (C/C++ Development Tools, formerly GNU MCU/ARM Eclipse) is an open source project that includes a family of Eclipse plug-ins and tools for multi-platform...
CodeTogether Cloud
CodeTogether Real-Time Collaboration and Actionable Insights for Modern Development CodeTogether is the all-in-one platform that unites collaborative coding with software...
A set of tools to optimize the creation and maintainability of JUnit tests. Write less, test more! The main feature of JUnit-Tools is to generate JUnit test-elements (packages...
Infinitest is a continuous test runner for Java, and is valuable to developers using a unit testing tool called JUnit. Continuous testing is the practice of constantly running unit...
The Complete Eclipse C/C++ IDE
There are a number of features in preview and experimental for the C/C++ IDE. These are not included in the C/C++ IDE Package. This entry adds those features. This includes support...
PlantUML plugin
The plantuml library implements a DSL and renderer for many UML diagrams (class, sequence, objects, states, activities, …). See http://plantuml.com for more info about the DSL and...
Eclipse Xtext
With Xtext you can easily create your own programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs). The framework supports the development of language infrastructures including...
Indent Guide
IndentGuide Adds configurable indent guide lines to Eclipse text editors. Update site Certiv Tools https://www.certiv.net/updates Support Github Issues Preferences The preference...
Saros - Distributed Collaborative Editing and Pair Programming
Saros is a real-time collaborative editor for eclipse projects. All collaborators have an identical copy of Eclipse projects. Two or more users can jointly edit files in the...
Eclipse Xtend
Xtend is a statically-typed programming languages for Java developers. It leverages Java's typesystem and reuses its syntax as far as possible, but cuts down the amount of...
Python :: CodeMix
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
Lua Development Tools
Lua Development Tools (LDT) is about providing Lua developers with an IDE providing the user experience developers expect from any other tool dedicated to a static programming...
Sirius is an Eclipse project (https://www.eclipse.dev/sirius) that allows you to easily create your own graphical modeling tools. It leverages the Eclipse modeling technologies...
DBeaver - Office integration
Office integration with DBeaver (https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/dbeaver/). Support data export in XLSX file format and direct results edit in MS/Libre/Open Office (Excel...
Papyrus Software Designer
Papyrus Software Designer is a project of the Eclipse Papyrus’s galaxy. It enables code generation and reverse engineering for C++ (C soon to come) and Java. Code generation from...
Vue.js :: CodeMix
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
React :: CodeMix
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
PHP :: CodeMix
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
Code Sharing for Slack
Code Sharing for Slack provides code sharing to your #Slack channel automatically! If you have Slack for Eclipse installed and a teammate shares code with you, your Eclipse can...