RCP Applications
YAKINDU Solidity Tools
YAKINDU Solidity Tools The free to use, open source YAKINDU-Solidity Tools provides an integrated development environment for ethereum / solidity based smart contracts. It features...
Solunar GmbH
Solunar is a software development company based in Gütersloh, Germany. We have a strong expertise in model-driven software development with a focus on Eclipse technologies such as...
J-Office (Java FX Office)
New & Noteworthy: Get a TRY-Version at www.helasys.com/joffice Online Acount (Sign In) Login & CDO Repository Webstart improvements, Editor-Zoom Java 8 forced by Webstart Now...
Eulumdat Tools RCP
Zip, Unzip, verify, manage, view, and edit EULUMDAT and IES files EULUMDAT is the European standard for photometric data used by all major lighting design programs IES is the IESNA...
Eclipse MAT Easy!
Eclipse MAT Easy! This plugin provides a new view named "Collection Tree"
ABAP Favorites
A small plugin to create ABAP favorites list for transactions and urls. Editing of entries now available. It contains two views: Favorites Favorites Dev Objects Favorites view you...
ABAP Quick Fix
ABAP Quick Fix plugin for ADT Installation from Marketplace https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/abap-quick-fix Direct installation from https://fidley.github.io...
Code RASPIde : IDE for Raspberry PI
CodeRASPIde is our small contribution to the IoT and Java Eclipse Community. Features Included Project Wizard for Creating a new PI4J Project Java Project with PI4J Library added...
Eclipse Nebula Incubation Widgets
Supplemental Custom Widgets for SWT (and more) Nebula is a place where different Eclipse-Projects and Independent developers collaborate on building Custom SWT widgets and...