YAKINDU Solidity Tools
YAKINDU Solidity Tools The free to use, open source YAKINDU-Solidity Tools provides an integrated development environment for ethereum / solidity based smart contracts. It features...
IBUPROFEN (Improvement and BUsiness Process Refactoring OF Embedded Noise) is a framework with which to refactor business process models retrieved particularly by reverse...
COLA Tests m2e connector - No longer required (see details) JUnit + BDD = COLA Tests COLA Tests is a BDD framework built on top of JUnit. It is easy to use, setup and above all...
Generate a test repository with Model-Based Testing approach in a user-friendly environment Starting from requirements or user stories, testers design MaTeLo models able to...
Document Management System (DMS) based on Graph Theory and Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) The idea in the real world you deal with entities like car, family members, dealers and...
Create Clickable Wireframes for Mobile and Web Apps: quick, easy and Free! Download it now Amazing iPhone, Android and web widgets Find rich interactive iPhone and Android widgets...
Phaser Editor is an IDE to quickly develop HTML5 2D video games based on the popular PhaserJS framework. Read more here: http://phasereditor.boniatillo.com/blog/features This is a...
EAuthoring is a compilation of Eclipse Platform + EGit + Mylyn for non-programmers. This compilation is also part of the Eclipse IDE for developers, but the IDE is too complex for...
The ZDT (Zhongwen Development Tool) is a program written to help users study Mandarin Chinese. Users can create their own word lists and quizzes using the built in flash cards...
formalmind Studio is a free editor for requirements, based on the open Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF).