
Solution Description

Generate a test repository with Model-Based Testing approach in a user-friendly environment

Starting from requirements or user stories, testers design MaTeLo models able to automatically generate all the optimized test repository. The test strategy is based on requirements, risks, usages, equivalence classes combinatorics, in a determinist or stochastic approach, to have the highest coverage with the minimum tests to execute. MaTeLo synchronizes its referential with many test benches or ALM repositories to execute automatically or manually the test campaigns.

Additional Details

Organization Name: ALL4TEC

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Thursday, March 13, 2014 - 10:43

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - 05:59

Submitted by: Franck HORTALA

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January 2024 0/0 0 17
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With this new version, it is possible :
- To use Conditional Transitions in your model,
- To display, or not, the path of the model covered by your test case,
- To export your project to HTML format
- To access, calculate and create your data sets (excel, text, any data source) and reuse them easily when generating your test case