Hudson/Jenkins Mylyn Builds Connector
Mylyn Builds Connector for Hudson/Jenkins adds Builds view to review, start builds in CI server. Features: - connect to many Hudson/Jenkins instances, filtered list of jobs - view...
Mylyn Builds Connector for Hudson/Jenkins adds Builds view to review, start builds in CI server. Features: - connect to many Hudson/Jenkins instances, filtered list of jobs - view...
Eclipse plugin that handles the derived state of resources from a textual file .derived. See details at
This is quick way to install FreeMarker IDE plugin from JBoss Tools Sources are at Issue tracker is...
Maven (Java EE) Integration for Eclipse WTP (a.k.a m2e-wtp) aims at providing a tight integration between Maven Integration for Eclipse (a.k.a m2e) and the Eclipse Web Tools...
The plugin adds Graph Plug-in Dependencies View. Use search icon on toolbar to select plugin in question. You can switch to show Callees or Callers. It is almost 5 year old plugin...
LESS is a language which extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. This plugin extends the Eclipse IDE by providing...
Closure tools for Eclipse. This plugin extends JSDT, the JavaScript development environment for Eclipse, with some features which are useful for developers using the Closure...
Remote System Explorer is result of Eclipse Target Management team work. It support SSH, Telnet, FTP and DStore protocols. The purpose of the entry is to let install it with one...
JSHint integration for the Eclipse IDE. Maintained by Ralf Sternberg, EclipseSource. For version history check You can...
For any project that gradle can build. Launch build, gradle GUI, run Jetty or deploy Android .apk to AVD by right-clicking build.gradle. Project does not need to be Gradle project...
Nodeclipse Git Addon associates *.git* files with TextEditor. Why? 1) Those files are often opened in external text editor, e.g. - Bug 412518 - Changing file associations causes...
Launch build, execute Java class, run Jetty or Tomcat6 by right-clicking pom.xml (or pom2.xml). Project does not need to be Maven project. Just pom.xml would be enough. (The... Minimalist Gradle Editor for build.gradle files with highlight for keywords, strings and matching brackets and android support (by taking...
Nodeclipse Plugins List is convenient way to install Eclipse plugins. Just drag-and-drop such image for the plugin that you need onto Eclipse menu bar. Drag-and-drop is quickest... says "PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API", that is browser without UI that you can control using JavaScript. Often used in...
2 plugins together for ASCII UML (plantuml) creation: - PlantUML Editor from Asciidoctor Editor - and Plantuml Eclipse plugin More on ref https:/...
Nodeclipse "Enide Studio 2015" is Tool Suite for Node.js, JavaScript, Java Development. This is the most feature-rich pack. Unless there is the latest version download for your OS...
This is refresh build of CSV Edit v1.2 fork by Mathieu Savy at CSV Edit v1.1 was available before at
Polyglot Maven with YAML IDE Pack (bleeding edge) Break your build by experimenting with Polyglot Maven POC (aka Prove of Concept, aka alpha), and loose your pom.xml file(s)...