ImageJ Plugin
This plugin integrates the scientific image application ImageJ in an Eclipse view and is also part of the Bio7 application ( ImageJ is an open source image...
waiEclipse Y[wai] : Web Application Innovator Pure HTML, HTML5, JavaScript based Web Development UI/UX Platform. It means that you can quickly and easily innovate your web...
Eclipse Nebula Stable Widgets
Supplemental Custom Widgets for SWT (and more) Nebula is a place where different Eclipse-Projects and Independent developers collaborate on building Custom SWT widgets and...
Zephyr is a library to visualize stream of data in real time. Screenshots and videos on:
EMF To Graphviz (emf2gv)
EMF To Graphviz (emf2gv) allows to generate a graphical representation of an EMF model (using GraphViz utility). It may be considered as a lightweight readonly alternative to GMF...
Collage Framework and Code Markup Tools
Add ink annotations and text comments on top of the code in your Eclipse editor. Design your own editor extensions. Collage is a framework that lets you create and edit layers of...
Draw2d Preview
This small plugin is just an entry in the pop-up menu for classes that allow you to see a preview of a Draw2d class while you are editing it. I saves you a lot of time when you are...