Unsuccessful Installs (All time)

Total Installs: 163,060

Rank Title Count
401 erlide - Erlang IDE 12
402 Checkmarx One Plugin - Nightly 11
403 Design and Verification Tools (DVT) IDE for e, SystemVerilog, VHDL, and PSS 11
404 Ecore Documentation Generator 11
405 Debug Perspective Auto Closer 11
406 JDepend4Eclipse 11
407 P4Eclipse 11
408 ABAP Code Search 11
409 g9 Modeling Tools 11
410 YAKINDU Solidity Tools 11
411 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - Health Center 11
412 metriculator 10
413 Optimize Java 8 Streams Refactoring 10
414 iSphere for RDi 10
415 DBeaver - SQL Debugger 10
416 Greip - Additional SWT Widgets 10
417 CodeMR Static Code Analyser 10
418 LogViewer 10
419 T3Tools - TTCN-3 Tools 10
420 Environment Variables Preference Page 10
421 QuickREx 9
422 leJOS EV3 Plug-In 9
423 Source Code Translation in Eclipse 9
424 Java coded templates ( or code snippets ) 9
425 Terra Architect 9
426 StrutsClipse 9
427 IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale V8.6 Liberty Profile Developer Tools 9
428 Teamscale Integration for Eclipse 9
429 Autodetect Encoding 9
430 OmniFish tools for Eclipse GlassFish 9
431 ECF - OSGi Remote Services SDK 8
432 Oxygen XML Editor 8
433 QuickImage2 8
434 Coherence Eclipse Plugin 8
435 IBM Operational Decision Manager for Developers v 8.10.0 - Rule Designer 8
436 FTP Server plugin 8
437 Eclipse Runner 8
438 MailSnag 8
439 m2e-jtemp 8
440 Fortify on Demand Plugin 8
441 wai 8
442 JRipples 8
443 m2e-connector for yuicompressor-maven-plugin 8
444 SetProperties 7
445 Vex 7
446 MultiProperties 7
447 Jmr Code Generator 7
448 SimpleBackground 7
449 PDE Tools 7
450 Bracketeer2 7