Favorites for Renato Perini
Install Renato Perini favorites
Spring Tools (aka Spring Tool Suite)
Spring Tools is the next generation of Spring Boot tooling for your favorite coding enrivonment. Largely rebuilt from scratch, it provides world-class support for developing Spring...
SonarQube for IDE
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML/XML, as well as other languages.
Enhanced Class Decompiler
Enhanced Class Decompiler integrates CFR, FernFlower, JD, Procyon, Vineflower seamlessly with Eclipse and allows Java developers to debug class files without source code directly...
EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
JBoss Tools
JBoss Tools is an umbrella project for a set of Eclipse plugins that includes support for JBoss and related technologies, such as Hibernate, JBoss AS / WildFly, CDI, OpenShift...
Checkstyle Plug-in
The Checkstyle Plugin (eclipse-cs) integrates the well-known source code analyzer Checkstyle into the Eclipse IDE. Checkstyle is a development tool to help you ensure that your...
Subversive - SVN Team Provider
The Subversive project is aimed to integrate the Subversion (SVN) version control system with the Eclipse platform. Using the Subversive plug-in, you can work with projects stored...
AnyEdit Tools
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
Yaml Editor
Just a YAML editor. Features: Fast and small Supports Go Templates (e.g. Helm charts) - see #76 Simple code completion for existing words Replacing always tab keypress by spaces...
DBeaver is free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It supports more 100 preconfigured database drivers. Features: database schema...
SpotBugs Eclipse plugin
SpotBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 400 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
JSON Editor Plugin
The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that Supports every eclipse flavor (JavaEE, CDT, RCP, you name it!) Supports eclipse version 3.7 - 4.11.0 and most probably...
Memory Analyzer
The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. Use the Memory Analyzer to analyze...
CodeMix 3
End Of Life Notice This plug-in is no longer in development. Compatibility: Eclipse 2020-06 and prior - Fully compatible Eclipse 2020-09 thru 2021-09 - Compatible with...
Jenkins Editor
Overview Jenkins editor is a Jenkins build script editor plugin for eclipse with some additional features Features Code completion and tooltips (for Jenkins DSL) Syntax...
Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes
Do you want more beautiful Eclipse 4? Change it! Release Note Bug Report User Guide FAQ Get more information from https://github.com/jeeeyul/eclipse-themes Please Don't Post Bug...
MapStruct Eclipse Plugin
An Eclipse plug-in for working with MapStruct The plugin gives some assistence in projects that use MapStruct to generate bean mapping code. Code-Completions Completion of target...
FluentMark An enhanced Markdown editing environment for Eclipse. Features Standard Markdown syntax Extended syntax Html - inline & block Math - inline & block Latex - inline &...
Hudson/Jenkins Mylyn Builds Connector
Mylyn Builds Connector for Hudson/Jenkins adds Builds view to review, start builds in CI server. Features: - connect to many Hudson/Jenkins instances, filtered list of jobs - view...
Clean Sheet
An ergonomic theme for the Eclipse Java IDE on Windows 10+ and Mac OS X+. Attuned to lessen visual fatigue and eyestrain Presents a clean and low-glare look and feel Based on well...
Metrics, insights, & time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity. Open source on github: https://github.com/wakatime/eclipse-wakatime
Oracle WebLogic Server Tools
Tools for developing applications for Oracle WebLogic Server, including support of Eclipse Oxygen and Photon release and Oracle WebLogic Server 14.
Oracle Database Tools
Development Tools for Working with Oracle Cloud and On-Premises Databases.