Safety Architect
Automatically generate the fault trees for your complex systems Safety Architect is a tool achieving risk analysis of complex systems using functional or physical architectures...
S(imple) U(ML)-statemodeler enables you to develop state-based software systems with only little programming effort. The application is easy to use and does not require any...
MR.KNOW - BPM is a complete BPM suite comprising modelling, automation, graphical user interfaces, monitoring and controlling functions for use in automating business processes. MR...
Jar2UML is an Eclipse plugin that imports and converts Java jar files into a UML model in the workspace. It is used to reverse engineer Java API class libraries for PlatformKit's...
Sirius is an Eclipse project ( that allows you to easily create your own graphical modeling tools. It leverages the Eclipse modeling technologies...
UML Lab provides truly agile modeling and coding with Eclipse. The tool integrates UML modeling with code generation and template-based reverse and round-trip engineering.
Please reach out to to discuss a trial or an academic license. DevOps Model RealTime is a modeling and development environment for creating stateful...
The ArchiMate add-in is an open-source initiative founded by Adocus. The add-in enables you to model enterprise architecture models based upon the well recognized and popular...
About Plumago is a PlantUML generator eclipse plugin. It uses the JDT parser possiblities and generates PlantUML files Project page:
IMPORTANT NOTE Since version 12.0 HCL RTist got renamed to HCL DevOps Model RealTime. This page will no longer be updated, please check Model RealTime marketplace page for the...