Eclipse Java Development Tools
The Java Development Tools (JDT) project contributes a set of plug-ins that add the capabilities of a full-featured Java IDE to the Eclipse platform.
Generate Word documents from Java. A highly extensible framework, fully integrated in Eclipse. A very simple language to generate high quality Word documents With only 30 keywords...
PSDT is a PostScript IDE for Eclipse, including editor, debugger and documentation. It cooperates with the Ghostscript interpreter in a platform-independent way. Features Syntax...
Impex is an SAP-Hybris specific language to import/export data This plugin allows : - Syntax highlighting. - Auto-completion. - Formatting - Full customization from preferences.
DPJ stands for Deterministic Parallel Java, and is available at DPJizer is an Eclipse plug-in that helps programmers write DPJ programs. DPJizer is a...
JSHint integration for the Eclipse IDE. Maintained by Ralf Sternberg, EclipseSource. For version history check You can...
Protobuf-dt is a new Eclipse plug-in for editing protocol buffer descriptor files. This plug-in has been heavily tested by Google employees in many different projects through seven...
Going far beyond syntax highlighting, the DXL Editor is a real development environment for IBM Rational DOORS DXL language, built on the market-leading Eclipse platform, bringing...