ABAP QuickFix S4 Conversion
Direct installation: (de.leuc.adt.quickfix) ABAP Quick Fix S4 Conversion Functions: Convert select single to select ... up to 1 rows ... order by...
AMPLDev is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for AMPL and SAMPL based on the Eclipse infrastructure. It has, A smart editor with context-sensitive syntax highlighting...
An IDE for modelling, verification of security protocols and automatic generation of Java implementation.
Arden4Eclipse is an editor for writing Arden Syntax Medical Logic Modules (MLMs) in Eclipse. It integrates Arden2ByteCode, an open source Arden Syntax compiler, so that Arden...
AST View
This plug-in from the Eclipse JDT UI team provides a view to visualize the AST (abstract syntax tree) of a Java file open in the editor. Navigate from text selection to AST nodes...