Kermeta 3
K3 (Kermeta 3) is an action language build on top of the Xtend programming language in order to use it for executable metamodeling. Its key feature allows to "re-open" classes of...
GEMOC Studio
The GEMOC Studio provides generic components through Eclipse technologies for the development, integration, and use of heterogeneous executable modeling languages. This includes...
EMF Forms
EMF Forms provides a new way of developing form-based UIs. Instead of manually coding form-based layouts, it allows you to describe the UI with a simple model instead of with code...
MetaModelAgent for Papyrus, IBM RSAD/RSARTE and HCL RTist
MetaModelAgent for open source Papyrus , IBM RSAD/RTE and HCL RTist accelerates the implementation and usage of UML-based Domain-specific modeling languages (DSML) as well as...
CDO Model Repository
The CDO (Connected Data Objects) Model Repository is a distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models. CDO is also a model runtime environment with a focus on...
This project will help you to separate properly the EMF generated code and your developed code. When you generate the EMF code, you probably override it with the @generated...
Eclipse OCL
Eclipse OCL is an implementation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) OMG standard for EMF-based models.
The Imixs-BPMN is a professional modelling IDE that allows you to control your business process without changing one line of your application code. Imixs-BPMN takes the full...
Structure101 Workspace
Structure101 Workspace lets you chase detailed code dependencies though a visual architecture that you can specify and share with the team. Updates as you edit code. Shows cycles...
Obeo SmartEA
Obeo SmartEA is an Enterprise Architecture solution that allows you to easily and efficiently map and design your IT architecture (business, services, applications, servers, ...)...