Obeo Designer Team

Solution Description

Obeo Designer allows you to easily create your own graphical modeling workbenches for specific domains (industrial systems, software applications or the organization of major companies).

Powered by Sirius, the Open Source project of the Eclipse foundation created by Obeo and Thales, Obeo Designer is the professional solution to deploy your custom modeling workbenches.

Based on either domain specific languages (DSL) or standard metamodels (UML, SysML, Togaf, BPMN, etc), the Modeling workbenches created with Obeo Designer are composed of a set of editors (diagrams, tables and trees) which allow the users to create and edit models in a shared repository.

Obeo Designer Team Edition is a commercial Eclipse package that facilitates collaborative work with other team members.

With Obeo Designer Team you can store your models and representations (diagrams, tables, matrices, trees) in a shared repository.

Additional Details

Organization Name: Obeo

Development Status: Mature

Date Created: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - 03:48

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - 09:08

Submitted by: Obeo Products

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