Palladio 4.3 for Eclipse 2020-06
Palladio is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses your software at the model level for performance bottlenecks, scalability issues, reliability threats, and...
A simple personal accounting manager as an Eclipse desktop application. Handles multiple accounts and users. Also provides with basic accounting framework including : model...
Actifsource is a code generator plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. Code generation is driven by models which are created according to user-defined meta-models. UML-like graphic editor...
AMPLDev is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for AMPL and SAMPL based on the Eclipse infrastructure. It has, A smart editor with context-sensitive syntax highlighting...
AppTale is a light-weight framework to enable an application to learn more about itself and adapt to the environment. It provides several out of the box capabilities to faciliate...
The ArchiMate add-in is an open-source initiative founded by Adocus. The add-in enables you to model enterprise architecture models based upon the well recognized and popular...
ArCon is a tool for architecture conformance validation of systems modelled in UML/SysML. ArCon can provide an easy to use and intuitive way of specifying architectural rules and a...
Capella is a Comprehensive, extensible and field-proven MBSE solution to successfully design systems architecture. It provides provides methodological guidance, intuitive model...
The CDO (Connected Data Objects) Model Repository is a distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models. CDO is also a model runtime environment with a focus on...