Favorites for Marcel Scholz
Install Marcel Scholz favorites
Indent Guide
IndentGuide Adds configurable indent guide lines to Eclipse text editors. Update site Certiv Tools https://www.certiv.net/updates Support Github Issues Preferences The preference...
ABAP ADT Extensions
Next ABAP extension for ADT Tools. Split from ABAP Favorites in order to keep clean and to keep the core functionality of Favorites alone, giving the users a choice if they want to...
ABAP Continuous Integration
AbapCI is an Open Source Eclipse plugin which provides various Continuous Integration (CI) tools for the ABAP development with Eclipse. The plugin is based on the CI features of...
ABAP Quick Fix
ABAP Quick Fix plugin for ADT Installation from Marketplace https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/abap-quick-fix Direct installation from https://fidley.github.io...
ABAP Code Insight
ABAP Code Insight is an Open Source Plugin which enabled inline code information for ABAP code in Eclipse. The only prerequisite to use this plugin for developing with ABAP is an...
Open Editors
This plugin adds a view that shows all open editors in a vertical list. * Sort the list by several properties, e.g., name, path, extension, and access time. * Pin important editors...
ADT Classic Outline
This new ADT plugin allows to displat a new view called Classic Outline which acts like standard SE80 Outline. To use it, please install backend components from https://github.com...
ABAP Search and Analysis Tools
ABAP Search and Analysis Tools is an Open Source plugin which provides tools for searching and analyzing ABAP objects. The main purpose of the plugin is to provide advanced search...
Task Scanner for ABAP in Eclipse
ABAP Task Scanner is an Open Source Eclipse plugin which provides the possibility to scan for TODOs, FIXMEs and XXXs in the source code of ABAP Objects such as Classes, Interfaces...
ABAP Tags is an Open Source Plugin which provides tools for adding arbitrary tags to ADT objects. The main features of this plugin are: View to manage ABAP Tags Wizard to assign...