SonarQube for IDE
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML, as well as other languages.
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML, as well as other languages.
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
Includes the HTML, CSS, and JSON Editors, and JavaScript Development Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project, aimed at supporting client-side web development and node.js...
The Eclipse Marketplace Client is a rich client solution for installing solutions listed on Eclipse Marketplace directly from an Eclipse Installation. The Eclipse community has...
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
The PHP IDE project delivers a PHP Integrated Development Environment framework for the Eclipse platform. This project encompasses the development components necessary to develop...
Do you want more beautiful Eclipse 4? Change it! Release Note Bug Report User Guide FAQ Get more information from Please Don't Post Bug...
Copilot4Eclipse (Copilot for Eclipse) is a free plugin that seamlessly integrates the GitHub Copilot AI developer tools into your Eclipse IDE to create a powerful AI-assisted...
GitHub Flavored Markdown viewer plugin (GFM Viewer) adds View that displays .md files as they would be on GitHub. Right-click any .md file then select ''Show in GFM view". It also...
IndentGuide Adds configurable indent guide lines to Eclipse text editors. Update site Certiv Tools Support Github Issues Preferences The preference...
LESS is a language which extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. This plugin extends the Eclipse IDE by providing...
ProjectLocationUpdater This Eclipse plugin adds a wizard and a property page to update the project location by editing the `.location` file in your workspace. Usecase Correct the...
An incremental builder for minifying CSS and JavaScript. See the project's web site for details.