Favorites for NoSee NoHeart
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Eclipse Marketplace Client
The Eclipse Marketplace Client is a rich client solution for installing solutions listed on Eclipse Marketplace directly from an Eclipse Installation. The Eclipse community has...
PMD is a source code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. It supports Java, JavaScript...
FileSync plugin for Eclipse is a file synchronisation tool. The main goal is to keep files outside of Eclipse projects in-sync with Eclipse project files. The plugin works as...
File Encoding Info
File Encoding Info is an Eclipse plugin which will try to detect the encoding of the current editing text file. This Eclipse plugin adds the following features to Eclipse: Show the...
Highlight On Selection
Highlight currently selected word. Works for all eclipse text based editors. This is UltraEdit style highlight on selection feature for eclipse. Source code: https://github.com...
Image/Picture Viewer
Image/ Picture viewer provides a View containing all the images from the Workspace or Target platform in form of a Gallery with bundle id's as parent categories. Allows to quickly...
Find/Replace with Regular Expressions and Match Evaluators
This Eclipse plugin enhances any editor in Eclipse with a Find/Replace dialog that can be brought up with Ctrl + F5. Compared to the standard Find/Replace dialog in Eclipse, you...
Bracketeer2 is a platform used to enrich JDT and CDT editors in Eclipse. Coloring the brackets surrounding the cursor & brackets which have no match. Showing automatic comments on...
Easy Bookmark 2
Based on the original work https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/easy-bookmark developed on https://github.com/hanks/Bookmark-plugin-for-eclipse this plugin feature one very easy...
Find/Replace View plugin
This plugin extends Eclipse with a Find/Replace view that allows to conveniently perform find/replace operations within the currently active editor. The following hot keys are...
Source Code Translation in Eclipse
Every now and then a developer has to work on a code base that is in a language that is unknown to him. In this case, he would need to copy variable, class, method names to Google...