WindowBuilder is composed of SWT Designer and Swing Designer and makes it very easy to create Java GUI applications without spending a lot of time writing code. Use the WYSIWYG...
Bndtools is an Eclipse-based development environment for OSGi bundles and applications, based on Bnd.
LiClipseText is an editor which enables Eclipse to be used as a general-purpose text editor, providing support for multiple languages out of the box. It's the Open Source (EPL...
Enables evaluation of XPath expressions against the active text editor containing XML.
Vertical Tabs This plugin adds new view called Vertical Tabs into your Eclipse installation. This view will allow you to see, filter, sort, group and navigate to all open editor...
PostgreSQL and SQL Server schema development tool. Comparing database code is made easy with pgCodeKeeper. Compare live DB instances, pg_dump output, as well as pgCodeKeeper...
Sencha’s Eclipse IDE plugin is an Integrated Development Environment tool that creates a confluence between Sencha Frameworks and Eclipse software. This integration comes in the...
Offensive360 SAST Plugin Plugin for Eclipse IDE to provide a list of vulnerabilities in the source code without any compilation. The plugin includes: Scanning Vulnerabilities In...