RPM editor view
An editor view part for the Eclipse IDE which can show the content of an RPM (RedHat Package Manager) file without the need to install command line RPM tools.
Plugin that run applets in Eclipse IDE or Eclipse RPC application. It includes links to many useful applets such as PDF, Word, Excel, CSV, Powerpoint, JSON, XML and YAML Viewers...
This project provides IDE integration to Eclipse users when working on protobuf files. This is a fork of an originally Google-initiated project (protobuf-dt) which has been largely...
This plug-in integrates with SpiraTeam, an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool. This plugin works in conjunction with the built in functionality provided by Mylyn for...
Secure development for developers and teams Snyk Security finds and fixes security vulnerabilities in your projects early in the development lifecycle to help you ace your security...
RAP provides a powerful widget toolkit and integrates well with proven technologies such as OSGi and JEE. You can write your application entirely in Java, re-use code and benefit...
HoundDog.ai Static Code Scanner This extension integrates with the HoundDog.ai Static Code Scanner, a robust and ultra-fast source code analysis tool that helps organizations...
Direct installation: https://leuc.de/abapquickfixs4c/ (de.leuc.adt.quickfix) ABAP Quick Fix S4 Conversion Functions: Convert select single to select ... up to 1 rows ... order by...
Eclipse Web Developer Tools extension for PrimeFaces
Liberty Tools for Eclipse IDE offers features for developing cloud-native Java applications with Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty. Iterate fast with Liberty dev mode, code with...
iRPGUnit is an open source plugin for RDi The plug-in provides unit tests for RPG on IBM i. iRPGUnit is a fork of the RPGUnit project, providing enhancements and an...