pxDoc Papyrus integration
The pxDoc Papyrus integration provides a ready-to-use integration of pxDoc for Eclipse Papyrus. INSTALLATION - Before installing the pxDoc-Papyrus Integration, please first install...
AmaterasUML is an Eclipse plug-in for drawing UML which supports class-diagram, sequence-diagram and usecase-diagram. And it also provides Java support such as importing class...
The ArchiMate add-in is an open-source initiative founded by Adocus. The add-in enables you to model enterprise architecture models based upon the well recognized and popular...
Please reach out to model-realtime@hcl-software.com to discuss a trial or an academic license. DevOps Model RealTime is a modeling and development environment for creating stateful...
e-Citiz Studio is a visual plug-in to design iBPM (interactive Business Process Management) e-Services using an MDA/MDE approach. It generates a JEE application. The Studio is...
Eclipse OCL is an implementation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) OMG standard for EMF-based models.
EcoreTools is a graphical modeler to create, edit and analyze Ecore models. It provides several a class diagram editor (similar to UML Class Diagrams), a package dependencies...
RDF Persistence for EMF Models. emftriple lets you store and load EMF models from RDF data sources. It supports various RDF stores, including Jena TDB, SDB, Joseki, Sesame, sparql...