Mia-Studio Community Edition
Mia-Studio is a solution to create your own model-to-text or model-to-model transformations. Model-to-text transformations are created using templates based on a very simple syntax...
The free UML tool UMLet lets you draw UML diagrams with a light-weight, pop-up-free user interface. It lets you draw diagram sketches fast; export diagrams to pdf, eps, jpg, gif...
UML Designer is a graphical tool to edit and vizualize UML 2.5 models. It uses the standard UML2 metamodel provided by Eclipse Foundation and it implements the following generic...
UML Lab provides truly agile modeling and coding with Eclipse. The tool integrates UML modeling with code generation and template-based reverse and round-trip engineering.
Sirius is an Eclipse project (https://www.eclipse.dev/sirius) that allows you to easily create your own graphical modeling tools. It leverages the Eclipse modeling technologies...
AmaterasUML is an Eclipse plug-in for drawing UML which supports class-diagram, sequence-diagram and usecase-diagram. And it also provides Java support such as importing class...
Jar2UML is an Eclipse plugin that imports and converts Java jar files into a UML model in the workspace. It is used to reverse engineer Java API class libraries for PlatformKit's...
EcoreTools is a graphical modeler to create, edit and analyze Ecore models. It provides several a class diagram editor (similar to UML Class Diagrams), a package dependencies...
Eclipse OCL is an implementation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) OMG standard for EMF-based models.