Workspace Mechanic
The Workspace Mechanic automates maintenance of your Eclipse environment by tweaking preferences, adding extension locations, and so on. You can use it to: Create a consistent...
Enide - Eclipse Node.js IDE (based on Nodeclipse 0.17) Eclipse Node.JS IDE (Enide) is basically one configuration file (*.p2f) that lets you quick start with Node.js development...
Please download this plugin from its GitHub repository and then install it in Eclipse from where its zip/archive file is saved on disk. Detailed instructions are found here. Team...
The Workspace Mechanic automates maintenance of your Eclipse environment by tweaking preferences, adding extension locations, and so on. You can use it to: Create a consistent...
Protobuf-dt is a new Eclipse plug-in for editing protocol buffer descriptor files. This plug-in has been heavily tested by Google employees in many different projects through seven...
An Eclipse IDE plugin for building and deploying Java EE, OSGi and Web 2.0 applications to WebSphere Application Server traditional V9.x with Java EE 7. The 24.1 release was tested...
ANTLR 4.x Advanced Syntax Highlighting (even for target language) Automatic Code Generation (on save) Manual Code Generation (through External Tools menu) Code Formatter (Ctrl...