Enide.p2f - Eclipse Node.js IDE
Enide - Eclipse Node.js IDE (based on Nodeclipse 0.17) Eclipse Node.JS IDE (Enide) is basically one configuration file (*.p2f) that lets you quick start with Node.js development...
Asciidoctor Editor This eclipse plugin is a text editor for asciidoc files. Features Fast html preview Easy to use, no special project setup necessary ( YouTube video) Can generate...
EGradle Editor as standalone plugin, so other IDEs can use the editor implementation as well or users just install the editor. The EGradle IDE does contain this editor which has...
Update March 2019: be sure to use https://nodeclipse.github.io/updates/gradle-ide-pack/ not nodeclipse.org Install Pivotal Gradle IDE & Enide Gradle for Eclipse & EGradle Editor in...
EGradle is a lightweight, fast and comfortable gradle integration for eclipse Features overview Console and Eclipse can be used parallel without conflicts New Project Wizard Build...
https://github.com/Nodeclipse/GradleEditor Minimalist Gradle Editor for build.gradle files with highlight for keywords, strings and matching brackets and android support (by taking...
This plugin is a Highspeed JSON editor - designed to handle bigger files very fast. Especially files were JSON is in one line, which is normally a problem in eclipse: It often...
This is refresh build of CSV Edit v1.2 fork by Mathieu Savy at https://github.com/Mathieuu/CsvEdit CSV Edit v1.1 was available before at https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/csv...