
Solution Description

Ubiquitous computing framework allowing to plug nunchuck, wiimote, arduino, blinkm, midi and ease integration with connected equipments and interactive softwares.

Ubiquisense declarative network communication configuration helps you to connect to all these devices in coordination and seamlesly interact with it.

Abstract topologies at its core, it allows to generically handle communications and connections for flexibility never reached before for UDP, TCP, USB (Serial FTDI RS232), Bluetooth, XBee transports and many builtin protocols (OSC, TUIO, ThingM, DMX, Midi, Firmata)

Categories: Entertainment, Modeling, Tools, UI

Additional Details

Organization Name: ubiquisense

Development Status: Alpha

Date Created: Saturday, March 3, 2012 - 11:21

License: EPL

Date Updated: Friday, April 18, 2014 - 07:26

Submitted by: lucas bigeardel

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Ubiquisense is getting major architecture rework an will not be available untill Beta.

thank you and wish to share Beta with all of users soon.

Custom SWT Widgets

(curently in alpha incubation phase)

Widgets downloads are available from : http://ubiquisense.com/p/ubiquisense/updates/0.5.1/


Widgets List


Slider with rich style and
2 independant feedback channels Slider with basic style Slider with basic style



Knob with basic style Knob with basic style
and focus

Vu Meters

Vu with dual channel Vu with single channel

Dot Matrix

Dot Matrix (5x7) Dot Matrix (12x12)

7 Digits

7 digits

16 Digits

16 digits 16 digits

Color Picker

Color Picker

Equalizer 8 Channels


Ubiquisense offers a set of custom widgets designed for live interactions.

These custom SWT widgets are designed to efficiently render high frequency data updates as encountered in embedded domain, energy monitoring, industrial communications, natural interactions.

Several custom widgets offer, both listening and modification behaviors, which allow users to get ultimate user experience for their SWT interfaces.

Most of these widgets are electonic/music oriented such as the "2 channels vu meter slider" allowing to control volume while simultenaously displaying left and right gain.

One big advantage is to get a consistant look and feel across different platform with custom drawn widgets.

All widgets are designed to get maximum flexibility by exposing serious APIs and relying on reusable UI bricks. These UI bricks are heavily reused in more complex dialogs.