Favorites for Andy Piper
Install Andy Piper favorites
Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry
This listing installs support into Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry, the industry’s first open platform as a service. A Java 8 Execution Environment is required. Run your Spring...
AVR Eclipse Plugin
This Eclipse Plugin provides some tools and settings for developing C programs for the ATMEL AVR series of embedded processors with the Eclipse IDE. It is open source and freely...
Full Screen enabler for Eclipse 3.6/3.7 on OSX Lion
OSX Lion supports 'full screen' mode, in which all other windows are pushed to different desktops. Eclipse Indigo does not support this out of the box (yet) so this plugin will...
Netcdf And Thredds Geoscience Eclipse Tools
Netcdf And Thredds Geoscience Eclipse Tools are adding support to/from Netcdf/thredds unidata ucar geoscience libraries as eclipse plugins