PFGrid-Toolkit: SWT / JFace widgets

Solution Description

The PFGrid-Toolkit provides fast and flexible widgets for SWT/JFace, especially an SWT-Grid-widget which allows TreeList- and Table-mode. The rendering is done by renderer-classes: XPTreeListRenderer, VistaTreeListRenderer and Office2007Renderer can be used out of the box, custom renderers can be implemented easily.

The grid can be used as standalone library or as eclipse-plugin.

New in

  • Filter-Row

    A filter-row can be shown above the grid to filter values of the grid's columns.
  • Cell-Validators

    For each cell a cell-validator can be used to display an error-icon for input which is not valid.

New in

  • Rowheight

    The height can be set for each row and for all rows.
  • Groupheader-text

    The text of the group-header can now be set via API.
  • Column-chooser

    The return-value of the columnchooser-dialog is Window.OK and Window.Cancel

New in

  • Fixed columns

    A number of columns that are not scrolled horizontally can be defined now.

New in

  • Moving columns in spans

    The columns that are grouped in spans can be dragged from spans into other spans and also dragged out of a span.

New in

  • PFCheckBox.SWT

    The PFCheckBox.SWT is a custom Checkbox-widget with XP-, Vista- and Office-styles that can be assigned easily by setting the checkbox-style in Goggle's SWT WindowBuilder
  • Pricing-model changed!

New widget in

  • PFProgressBar.SWT

    The PFProgressBar.SWT is a widget to show a state or progress. The orientation can be horizontal or vertical, the rendering is customizable by ProgressBarRenderers

New widgets in

  • PFReflectionImage.SWT

    Add images to this widget and reflection-images are created automatically. The widget can be used as button with a customizable hovering-effect.

New widgets in

  • Buttons and Splitbuttons

    The new PFButton.SWT widget is rendered in an Office-like Style (Office 2007 or 2010). The appearance is defined in specific renderers which can be used or overriden for custom-styling.

New features 1.1.6

  • Gradient panel and Groupbox

    Define Panels with gradient-background, customizable colors and text so that it can be used as Group-Box or header-widget.

New features 1.1.4

  • Hyperlink cells:

    You can add Hyperlinks with default-display (link) very easily. Just add a column of type HyperlinkColumn and cells of type HyperlinkCell.

New features 1.1.3

  • Summary-row:

    With PFGrid.SWT you can display a summary-row at the bottom of the page. With this feature you can easily show SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG or custom summarized values.
  • Tooltips for cells:

    The PFGrid provides a Listener that fires when elements of the grid are hovered with the mouse. This listener can be used to display each kind of Tooltip you like.

What's new in 1.1.1

  • Column-chooser:
    A column-chooser is available to define the visibility of the widget's columns. It can be opened as modal dialog or used as Composite.

What's new in 1.1.0

  • Column spans:
    Columns can be grouped by using spans. The span is displayed above the grouped columns.
  • Column images:
    Each column can have an image and text

What's new in 1.0.9

  • Custom grouping:
    Groups can be added to the grid which can be renderered easily with custom renderers. Each group can contain a list of rows (see screenshot)
  • Auto-size columns:
    Clicking between columns sets the size fitting to image and text
  • Selection behavior::
    Enhanced keyboard interaction and selection with control- and shift-keys

Features 1.0.8

  • Custom and predefined cell-editors:
    Each widget can be used as cell-editor
  • Moving columns:
    The position of columns can be changed with the mouse
  • Resizing cells and rows:
    The size of cells and rows can be changed with the mouse
  • Sorting columns:
    Columns can be sorted by user-interaction or API
  • SWT-Designer support
    Instantiations (now google) SWT-Designer is supported for comfortable UI-design
  • JFace-support:
    TreeListTreeViewer and TreeListTableViewer
  • Outlook-like grouping:
    Columns can be grouped by dragging them to the groupbox above the grid
  • Persisting the layout:
    The user-defined layout can be persisted as IDialogSettings
  • Excel-like cell-copy:
    Cell-content can be copied by dragging a cell with the mouse
  • Implementing own TreeListCells:
    Custom cells can be implemented to display own content like a progressbar
  • Row and Cell-selection:
    The selection-granularity can be changed via API
  • Multiline-text:
    Cells can contain multiline- and wrapped text
  • Lazyloading:
    Content of rows can be loaded lazy in tree-mode

Other widgets: Outlook-like NavigationBar, Gradient Panel.

If your are missing a feature or need other widgets, feel free to contact us!

Additional Details

Organization Name:

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Sunday, April 25, 2010 - 06:08

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Sunday, May 27, 2012 - 17:29

Submitted by: Missing name Mising name

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