PeerReview Complete

Solution Description

PeerReview Complete: Document and Code Review without the Hassle

Stop using Microsoft Word to edit technical artifacts! Use one tool to review source code and documents!

PeerReview Complete makes document review simple and eliminates that time-wasting comment reconciliation step that we all hate. Now you can see everyone’s comments and feedback in a single document view. No more leaving your Eclipse perspective and no more busy-work poring over multiple emails, duplicative comments, and marked-up print-outs. PeerReview Complete allows all team members to view and comment on the always-current document version – complete with everyone's feedback and edits! By automating the mundane manual processes of document review, PeerReview Complete gives you more time to collaborate and helps teams meet compliance requirements with approvals and electronic signatures.

The Difference is in the review

Review artifacts early and often

  • Review technical documents, Requirements, Design documents, Project specifications, Test plans, Verification plans, and code using one tool
  • Perform reviews effortlessly—automated and custom workflows allow for quick or very strict review processes… and everything in between
  • Drive consensus across project teams, reduce rework, and decrease technical debt with frequent key deliverable review

Save time and still make reviews productive and painless

  • Comment on the same, centrally-managed, always-current document version
  • Use Smart comment tracking to manage the flow of text changes as documents are edited enabling reviewers to see and take action on comments made between document versions. Unlike Word, comments and feedback are permanently logged – no reconciliation required!
  • See all changes made between code and document versions with convenient diff viewers

Get all the capabilities of CodeCollaborator

  • Create threaded, contextual conversations that act like newsgroups when users perform reviews asynchronously and like instant messaging when they want to review code at the same time
  • Integrate with Eclipse, Visual Studio, and 16 version control systems including Subversion, ClearCase Remote Client, Perforce, and Git
  • Track defects automatically through resolution—Comments, defects and version control files stay linked together

Ensure compliance

  • Use electronic signatures, audit trails, reporting, and custom metrics to meet compliance mandates
  • Gain instant insight into the current state of reviews

Conduct reviews in no time! Join the hundreds of developers worldwide who review documents and code with the industry’s most full-featured peer review tool.

Would you like to review technical Microsoft Word documents and source code using one tool?
You can begin by updating your existing Eclipse plug-in for CodeCollaborator and then downloading a free trial of PeerReview Complete.

Update your existing Eclipse plug-in.
Start your free 30 day trial of PeerReview Complete.

Additional Details

Organization Name: SmartBear Software

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 - 13:20

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Monday, December 3, 2012 - 16:21

Submitted by: Deb Cobb

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