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Previous to Juno (<=4.1)

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Solution Description

lambda4jdt 2012 version of lambda4jdt. Eclipse plugin to fold anonymous inner classes as lambdas in Java Editor. * Support for Eclipse Indigo SR2 3.7.2 * Remove need for marker comment, simplify to one-size fits all * No further development planned, no features, no Juno support etc Install plugins and then goto Preferences->Java->Editor->Folding, select folding to use "Lambda4jdt Folding". Any newly opened Java editor will pickup lambda4jdt.

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: Previous to Juno (<=4.1)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: Eugene Lucash

Development Status: Alpha

Date Created: Friday, January 30, 2009 - 09:59

License: EPL

Date Updated: Monday, February 4, 2019 - 13:57

Submitted by: Eugene Lucash

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
July 2024 359/656 17 5
June 2024 399/681 17 11
May 2024 382/682 20 11
April 2024 344/687 30 9
March 2024 375/694 27 5
February 2024 419/687 17 5
January 2024 433/691 15 6
December 2023 387/671 20 12
November 2023 417/686 18 5
October 2023 477/673 11 5
September 2023 445/663 13 9
August 2023 445/673 13 6
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Unsuccessful Installs

Unsuccessful Installs in the last 7 Days: 2

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