lambda4jdt 2012 version of lambda4jdt. Eclipse plugin to fold anonymous inner classes as lambdas in Java Editor. * Support for Eclipse Indigo SR2 3.7.2 * Remove need for marker...
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML/XML, as well as other languages.
The Eclipse Tomcat Plugin provides simple integration of a tomcat servlet container for the development of java web applications. This project is the successor of the original...
Bracketeer2 is a platform used to enrich JDT and CDT editors in Eclipse. Coloring the brackets surrounding the cursor & brackets which have no match. Showing automatic comments on...
This plug-in from the Eclipse JDT UI team provides a view to visualize the AST (abstract syntax tree) of a Java file open in the editor. Navigate from text selection to AST nodes...
Launch build, execute Java class, run Jetty or Tomcat6 by right-clicking pom.xml (or pom2.xml). Project does not need to be Maven project. Just pom.xml would be enough. (The...
lambda4jdt 2012 version of lambda4jdt. Eclipse plugin to fold anonymous inner classes as lambdas in Java Editor. * Support for Eclipse Indigo SR2 3.7.2 * Remove need for marker...
This plug-in from the Eclipse JDT UI team provides a view to visualize the Java elements in Eclipse's Java model. The view shows the result of many method calls on model elements...