Eclipse Tomcat Plugin

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2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2021-03 (4.19), 2020-12 (4.18), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-03 (4.15), 2019-12 (4.14), 2019-09 (4.13), 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), Neon (4.6), Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4), Kepler (4.3), Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-09 (4.33), 2024-12 (4.34), 2025-03 (4.35)

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Solution Description

The Eclipse Tomcat Plugin provides simple integration of a tomcat servlet container for the development of java web applications. This project is the successor of the original Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin. Bug reports should go to our project on GitHub:

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2021-03 (4.19), 2020-12 (4.18), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-03 (4.15), 2019-12 (4.14), 2019-09 (4.13), 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), Neon (4.6), Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4), Kepler (4.3), Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-09 (4.33), 2024-12 (4.34), 2025-03 (4.35)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: Markus Keunecke

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Friday, October 10, 2014 - 03:13

License: Apache 2.0

Date Updated: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 - 12:16

Submitted by: Markus Keunecke

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
February 2025 19/595 902 30
January 2025 18/654 1863 45
December 2024 18/654 1816 40
November 2024 18/658 2128 30
October 2024 17/663 2796 34
September 2024 21/642 2008 32
August 2024 20/641 2130 40
July 2024 19/663 2199 27
June 2024 19/681 2436 39
May 2024 20/682 2640 32
April 2024 19/687 2660 27
March 2024 22/694 2454 29
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Marketplace Drag to Install Button

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Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client

Reviews Add new review

I've tried very hard to use this plugin since I didn't want to install WTP, but I couldn't get passed the following error, despite making sure that servlet-api.jar was added to project libraries containing the mentioned class:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer

It doesn't seem to play very well with Maven projects as well. Is that a known limitation?

Has anyone actually got this to work using eclipse 4.7.1a? I've figured out that it is incompatible with Java9, but with Java8 I still can't get the project/context set up correctly and the devloader doesn't seem to work either.

In reply to by paul stanton

I've now got launching of tomcat and debugging to work, however cannot use the GUI to edit project settings. I have to manually edit the context.xml and .tomcatplugin metadata files which requires some previous knowlege.

In reply to by Jérémy Fournier

Hello Jérémy Fournier!

I had the same problem on Linux Mint 17 (based on Ubuntu 14.04) and java oracle version "1.8.0_144".

My Solution.

1) Download and unzip "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 8" (first link google in my case)

2) replace both files in the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security

3) restart eclipse.

Good luck!

In reply to by Jérémy Fournier


I too faced similar issue when dragging and dropping the plugin into eclipse.

The alternative worked for me was:

1. Go to the source forge site (click on "?')

2. Download the version of the tomcat plugin

3. Unzip the file, there should be folders features and plugins

4. Put the files of the folders into their respective folders in the eclipse root directory

5. Restart eclispe.




Hi Markus,

Is it possible to launch the tomcat plugin using java code?

If yes, is there any documents that I can refer?



I tried to install the plugin on Eclipse Neon (4.6.2). In eclipse.ini I specified vm Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_31-b13) (/home/superx/tools/jdk1.8.0_31/jre/bin/java).
When trying to install the plugin I get the error.
Unable to read repository at http PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
On the console I saw the following log
org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration: Initializing logback
openjdk version "1.8.0_111"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.2.0) (suse-3.1-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)
OpenJdk is needed by my Suse Leap 42.2 installation for LibreOffice, so I can't easily deinstall it.
What can I do?
Thanks for your help


In reply to by Meikel Bisping

Hi Meikel,

unfortunately this seems to be an issue with the mirror network provided by Sourceforge. Currently it does not seem to be fixed in the near future. Therefore I can only suggest you to try and try again until it has worked. I have seen people getting a successful installation after 20 or more tries. Sorry for inconvenience.


When a new project is created after the plugin is installed, the below error is popped up:

The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in "net.sf.eclipse.tomcat" was unable to instantiate class "net.sf.eclipse.tomcat.TomcatProjectCreationWizard".

I am getting below error while creating new Tomcat Project

The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in "net.sf.eclipse.tomcat" was unable to instantiate class "net.sf.eclipse.tomcat.TomcatProjectCreationWizard".

whenever i try to add the plugin to eclipse (or try to access the page via browser), i get
"HTTP Server 'Bad Gateway' : http
HttpComponents connection error response code 502."

In my Browser, i get "(104) Connection reset by peer" :(

!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.transport.ecf 2 0 2016-07-12 13:41:12.886
!MESSAGE Connection to http failed on Connection reset. Retry attempt 0 started
!STACK 0 Connection reset
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.AbstractHttpClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractClientConnAdapter.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.doReceiveResponse(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryExecute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.doExecute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(
at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient4.HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.performConnect(
at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient4.HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.access$0(
at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient4.HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer$1.performFileTransfer(

Error - had to modify the URL since they are disallowed in this forum
No repository found at http - colon slash slash

In reply to by Mohit Kumar

No, noone has implemented a CLI to the tomcat plugin so far. I am not sure if there's a real need for it. If you like to investigate further on this you could post a ticket on sourceforge so we can discuss further there. You could also join us in our IRC channel on freenode:

I have installed tomcat plugin in eclipse helios to create tomcat project.After creating project i am not able to see Advanced tab in tomcat.(project->properties).

can u help me...thanks in advance:)