EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
Includes the HTML, CSS, and JSON Editors, and JavaScript Development Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project, aimed at supporting client-side web development and node.js...
DBeaver is free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It supports more 100 preconfigured database drivers. Features: database schema...
A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal). That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are...
The PHP IDE project delivers a PHP Integrated Development Environment framework for the Eclipse platform. This project encompasses the development components necessary to develop...
Remote System Explorer is result of Eclipse Target Management team work. It support SSH, Telnet, FTP and DStore protocols. The purpose of the entry is to let install it with one...
Adds support for EditorConfig to Eclipse. The plugin applies the editorconfig settings for a file when opened in a supported editor (currently Text, Java, XML and Ant editors)...
LESS is a language which extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. This plugin extends the Eclipse IDE by providing...