Favorites for Lester Ward
Install Lester Ward favorites
An Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Developed and maintained by Subversion core committers, Subclipse is always in synch with...
PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse
PyDev is a plugin that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE (supporting also Jython and IronPython). It uses advanced type inference techniques which allow it to provide...
AnyEdit Tools
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
UMLet - UML Tool for Fast UML Diagrams
The free UML tool UMLet lets you draw UML diagrams with a light-weight, pop-up-free user interface. It lets you draw diagram sketches fast; export diagrams to pdf, eps, jpg, gif...
JSON Editor Plugin
The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that Supports every eclipse flavor (JavaEE, CDT, RCP, you name it!) Supports eclipse version 3.7 - 4.11.0 and most probably...
FreeMarker IDE
Editor for Apache FreeMarker templates (ftl, ftlh, ftlx, etc.) with syntax error markers as you type, syntax highlighting (for the template language only), some code completion...
EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration
EPIC is an open source Perl IDE (including editor and debugger) based on the Eclipse platform, compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Whether you are into CGI scripting or...
Bytecode Visualizer
Inspect, understand and debug Java bytecode, no matter if you have the corresponding source.
Enide (Studio) 2015 - Node.js, JavaScript, Java and Web Tools
Nodeclipse "Enide Studio 2015" is Tool Suite for Node.js, JavaScript, Java Development. This is the most feature-rich pack. Unless there is the latest version download for your OS...
Java Hex Editor
A java hex editor. Standalone application (SWT widgets) and Eclipse plugin. Support for very large files. Hex, Ascii and Unicode find. Overwrite/insert modes. Binary and text cut...
Lockness - Thread Dump Analyser
Lockness is an Eclipse Plugin for analysing Java Thread Dumps. With Lockness it is quite easy to find out what are the Threads involved in bottlenecks or deadlocks. The latest...