Favorites for Lukas Hejnal
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SonarLint helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, PHP, Python, CSS, and HTML, as well as other languages.
Subversive - SVN Team Provider
The Subversive project is aimed to integrate the Subversion (SVN) version control system with the Eclipse platform. Using the Subversive plug-in, you can work with projects stored...
SpotBugs Eclipse plugin
SpotBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 400 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
JSON Editor Plugin
The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that Supports every eclipse flavor (JavaEE, CDT, RCP, you name it!) Supports eclipse version 3.7 - 4.11.0 and most probably...
Memory Analyzer
The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. Use the Memory Analyzer to analyze...
Atlassian Connector for Eclipse
The Atlassian Connector for Eclipse allows you to manage JIRA issues and Bamboo builds without leaving the IDE. It is built on top of the Mylyn task interface. More information at...
EGradle Editor
EGradle Editor as standalone plugin, so other IDEs can use the editor implementation as well or users just install the editor. The EGradle IDE does contain this editor which has...
Gradle IDE Pack
Update March 2019: be sure to use https://nodeclipse.github.io/updates/gradle-ide-pack/ not nodeclipse.org Install Pivotal Gradle IDE & Enide Gradle for Eclipse & EGradle Editor in...
EGradle IDE
EGradle is a lightweight, fast and comfortable gradle integration for eclipse Features overview Console and Eclipse can be used parallel without conflicts New Project Wizard Build...
Metrics, insights, & time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity. Open source on github: https://github.com/wakatime/eclipse-wakatime
developer utils : md5,sha,URL encoder&decoder, regex, base64 utils, Socket Server & Client devutilsplugin - http://kangtae49.github.io/dev-utils-plugin/update DigestUtil - convert...
Sourcecode Visualizer
Sourcecode Visualizer is an Eclipse plugin for visualizing Java sourcecode. It draws a control flow graph alongside of Java source code. It is an indispensable tool for sourcecode...
HTTP4e - HTTP and REST Client for Eclipse
HTTP4e is an Eclipse plugin that helps you quickly build HTTP REST packets enabling you to easily test and create REST Service and Web Service calls. A tool for Web Development...