Favorites for Kushal V
Install Kushal V favorites
An Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Developed and maintained by Subversion core committers, Subclipse is always in synch with...
PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse
PyDev is a plugin that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE (supporting also Jython and IronPython). It uses advanced type inference techniques which allow it to provide...
EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
Yaml Editor
Just a YAML editor. Features: Fast and small Supports Go Templates (e.g. Helm charts) - see #76 Simple code completion for existing words Replacing always tab keypress by spaces...
SpotBugs Eclipse plugin
SpotBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 400 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
Eclipse Docker Tooling
The Eclipse Docker Tooling plugin provides the ability to manage Docker images and containers from within the Eclipse IDE.
JSON Editor Plugin
The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that Supports every eclipse flavor (JavaEE, CDT, RCP, you name it!) Supports eclipse version 3.7 - 4.11.0 and most probably...
Jenkins Editor
Overview Jenkins editor is a Jenkins build script editor plugin for eclipse with some additional features Features Code completion and tooltips (for Jenkins DSL) Syntax...
PMD is a source code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. It supports Java, JavaScript...
ShellWax is a shell script development plugin for the Eclipse IDE, providing a rich editing experience through integration with the Bash Language Server.
Snyk Security
Secure development for developers and teams Snyk Security finds and fixes security vulnerabilities in your projects early in the development lifecycle to help you ace your security...
Azure Toolkit for Eclipse
The Azure Toolkit for Eclipse provides functionality that allow you to easily create, develop, configure, test, and deploy lightweight, highly available and scalable Java web apps...
Code Time
Code Time Code Time is an open source plugin for automatic programming metrics and time tracking in Eclipse. Track your productivity, protect valuable code time, and stay in flow...