Source Code Analyzer
FindBugs Eclipse Plugin
FindBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 200 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
CallGraph Viewer
CallGraph: Provides Call-Path and Sequence Diagram viewers. Enables graphical analysis of program call relations and flow sequencing. Also enables exploration of extended class...
Control Flow Graph Factory
Control Flow Graph Factory is an Eclipse plugin which generates control flow graphs from java bytecode, edit them and export to GraphXML, DOT or several image formats.
Unnecessary Code Detector
UCDetector (Unnecessary Code Detector) is a eclipse PlugIn tool to find unnecessary (dead) public java code. For example public classes, methods or fields which have no references.
Bytecode Visualizer
Inspect, understand and debug Java bytecode, no matter if you have the corresponding source.
T3Tools - TTCN-3 Tools
A critical issue in developing TTCN-3 test suites is the readability, consistency, maintainability, and documentation of Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3) code...
Checkmarx CxSuite® is a powerful Source Code Analysis (SCA) solution designed for identifying, tracking and fixing technical and logical security flaws from the source code. By...
JFrog Eclipse Plugin
The JFrog Eclipse Plugin adds JFrog Xray scanning of Maven, Gradle and NPM project dependencies to your Eclipse IDE. It allows developers to view panels displaying vulnerability...
Contrast Security for Eclipse
Contrast Security is the world’s leading provider of security technology that enables software to become self-protecting software. Contrast's patented deep security instrumentation...
CASTLE Searching
CASTLE Searching is an Eclipse plugin, which allows you to find what you're looking for faster.