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2020-03 (4.15), 2019-12 (4.14), 2019-09 (4.13), 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-12 (4.18), 2021-03 (4.19)


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Solution Description

o3smeasures is a measure-based tool to evaluating software quality using different source-code properties. The tool provides information on software artifacts using the 15 measures most cited in empirical studies to investigate internal quality of software in the last decade + 11 support measures (such as Number of Lambdas, Number of Method References, etc...). It was developed as part of my dissertation entitled "Um Estudo Quantitativo para CaracterizaĆ§Ć£o da Qualidade Interna de Sistemas de Software Orientados a Objetos Open-Source" ("A Quantitative Study to Characterize the Internal Quality of Open-Source Object-Oriented Software Systems").

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2020-03 (4.15), 2019-12 (4.14), 2019-09 (4.13), 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-12 (4.18), 2021-03 (4.19)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: Mariana Azevedo

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Sunday, July 7, 2019 - 20:48

License: GPL

Date Updated: Friday, January 15, 2021 - 10:13

Submitted by: Mariana de Azevedo Santos

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
July 2024 646/656 1 6
June 2024 611/681 2 13
May 2024 557/682 4 7
April 2024 652/687 1 12
March 2024 611/694 2 4
February 2024 510/687 6 6
January 2024 554/691 4 1
December 2023 443/671 12 12
November 2023 556/686 5 12
October 2023 483/673 10 12
September 2023 462/663 11 14
August 2023 424/673 14 12
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