Samares Engineering
Samares Engineering focuses is expert in system engineering and especially Model Based System Engineering. Expertise domains are Model driven approach, mainly to describe system...
Founded in 1999, Excelsior is a vendor of compliant Java SE execution environments and a provider of advanced software development services. Excelsior is a Java Authorized Licensee...
Software development company specialized on Java and Eclipse.
RCP Vision provides training, coaching, consulting and development services on Eclipse frameworks, with a professional and innovative structure that makes it particularly suitable...
Eclipse Birt Barcode Generator Add-In was developed exclusively by, which is often used to generate linear & matrix barcodes for Birt application. Supported...
Workshop J2EE OSGi Console Workshop J2EE OSGi Web Workshop J2EE OSGi Module Structure Workshop J2EE OSGi Structure Workshop J2EE OSGi Maven Structure
Development of the systems in Eclipse RAP, RCP, EMF, GEF, GMF and OSGi. Support and maintenance in the FreeBSD and Linux. Install and Configure Server of the e-mail, utility...
Offers instructor-led online and onsite IT training courses for companies and public. Beginner to advanced courses in Android, Apache, Tomcat, Hadoop, PHP, MySQL, Linux, Java and...
AcceCite provides a graphical solution to design accessible e-services. AcceCite complies with the W3C WAI standard (WCAG AA level) including W3C CSS and XHTML standards. AcceCite...
e-Citiz Studio is a visual plug-in to design iBPM (interactive Business Process Management) e-Services using an MDA/MDE approach. It generates a JEE application. The Studio is...