iBeacon Driver for Eclipse Kura 4/5
OFFICIAL ADD-ON for Eclipse Kura - This driver instance packages the communication with iBeacon devices using Eclipse Kura. This iBeacon Driver can be associated with an Asset...
This package provides the AMQP component for Apache Camel. After the installation of this package, the Camel endpoint amqp can be used. Also does the package provide OSGi enabled...
This packages provides Apache File Install packaged for Eclipse Kura™. After installing the addon it is possible to simple drop new OSGi bundles into the directory /opt/eclipse...
Eclipse Vorto IoT Plugins comprise Vorto DSL Editors that lets device manufacturers describe device capabilities. The DSL Editors are based on the Eclipse Xtext project providing...
AN OSGI Bundle which connects to Air quality sensor using serial mode and displays the values in raspberry pi.
AN OSGI Bundle that will communicate with An Air Quality Sensor(MET ONE NPM SENSOR) in Serial Mode(RS-232): -Connects to the Sensor. -Configure the Sensor(Port Name,Baudrate,Data...
An OSGI Bundle that assures data processing (input : output of Npm Sensor )
An OSGI Bundle that will test the connexion status.
MIMIC MQTT Lab Sparkplug is a public SaaS MQTT lab based on MIMIC MQTT Simulator with a shared, read-only lab running 100 EON nodes with Sparkplug sensors publishing unique...
You have a variety of data sources and an OSIsoft PI? Now go a step further and connect your data sources to your OSIsoft PI via the "MEGLA IoT Suite OMF Publisher for OSIsoft PI"...