MIMIC MQTT Lab Sparkplug

Solution Description

MIMIC MQTT Lab Sparkplug is a public SaaS MQTT lab based on MIMIC MQTT Simulator with a shared, read-only lab running 100 EON nodes with Sparkplug sensors publishing unique Sparkplug messages with temperature telemetry to the public brokers MQTT.ECLIPSE.ORG and BROKER.HIVEMQ.COM as detailed in the Sparkplug / Eclipse Tahu specification.

Access the lab at


To change the temperature, select a running (green) sensor, invoke the Agent->Variables menu item, and change the sensor11/XDK/temp variable. See the temperature measurements change in real-time in your subscriber client.

Test your subscriber applications by connecting to BROKER.HIVEMQ.COM. For web-sockets client, use a SSL-connection to broker.hivemq.com:8000 as detailed here. To see payloads, subscribe to topic spBv1.0/#

You can see published messages with a MQTT subscriber client , but since the messages are binary, you'll need one that decodes the Sparkplug protocol, eg.

  • our open-source NODE-RED plugin, or
  • our specialized, open-source Python-based subscriber client which monitors the temperature and alerts if above a threshold, or
  • A Sparkplug-compliant IoT Platform like Induction Automation Ignition, or
  • mqtt-spy, or
  • a web-based subscriber client from HiveMQ


Categories: Tools

Additional Details

Organization Name: Gambit Communications, Inc.

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 - 16:34

License: Commercial - Free

Date Updated: Monday, June 1, 2020 - 08:26

Submitted by: Gambit Support

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