Solution Description

MIMIC MQTT Lab Hono is a public SaaS MQTT lab based on MIMIC MQTT Simulator with a shared lab with Bosch sensors publishing unique JSON messages with temperature telemetry to the Eclipse Hono Sandbox.

  1. Access the lab at https://mqttlab.iotsim.io/hono/
  2. See it in action in this 5-minute Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZbyOry3Y2w&hd=1
  3. Select an agent icon to configure a sensor to publish to the Eclipse Hono Sandbox .
  4. Configure your tenant and device as detailed in the Getting Started page.
  5. Set the MY_TENANT, MY_DEVICE and MY_PWD variables in the Device -> Variables... dialog.
  6. Start the device.
  7. To change the temperature, select a running (green) sensor, invoke the Device->Variables menu item, and change the temp variable.
  8. See the temperature measurements change in real-time in your subscriber client.
Additional Details

Organization Name: Gambit Communications, Inc.

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Friday, May 29, 2020 - 10:17

License: Commercial - Free

Date Updated: Friday, October 21, 2022 - 10:29

Submitted by: Gambit Support

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