Live Coding in Python
Run your Python code while you type. Displays variable state or turtle graphics that are updated as you type your code. Requires PyDev, so install PyDev first.
PMD scans Java source code and looks for potential problems like: * Possible bugs - empty try/catch/finally/switch statements * Dead code - unused local variables, parameters and...
X-Ray is a free open-source software visualization plug-in for the Eclipse framework, it provides System Complexity View, Class and Package Dependency View for a given Java project...
Welcome to inCode Helium, the next generation quality exploration tool designed by developers, for developers. inCode Helium detects quality problems and helps you understand their...
inFusion makes quality assurance of multi-million LOC systems not merely practical, but effective, successfully handling both object oriented and procedural style code. Whether you...
The primary function of the SEA-QL is the fast and accurate search of Java-related software engineering artifacts using their properties and relations. SEA-QL’s unparalleled...
Code Rocket Eclipse is a code visualization and documentation tool designed to reduce software development time and costs. It supports the Java programming language and integrates...
Java Snippet Search is an Eclipse plug-in that allows you to search Java code for syntactic patterns by specifying example snippets.
Have you ever tried to debug complex programs/object structures in eclipse? Spent years or your life or resorted to making paper sketches as you debug? GraphHeap is an eclipse...