IBM MobileFirst Foundation Studio
The IBM MobileFirst™ Studio plug-in helps you manage your Cordova project in the Eclipse development environment. Cordova projects are typically managed by entering commands on the...
IMPORTANT NOTE Since version 12.0 RSA RTE got renamed to IBM DevOps Model RealTime. This page will no longer be updated, please check Model RealTime marketplace page for the latest...
This plugin allows you to create, compile and upload sketches with nearly the same simplicity as the Arduino IDE but with all full functional features one would expect from a...
Quickly new/edit Activity/Service/BroadcastReceiver/ContentProvider in Android Project with a wizard and configure in AndroidManifest.xml. Contains all Android ORM plugin features
EMBedded SYStems REGister VIEW is an Eclipse Plugin which is designed for monitoring and modifying memory values of embedded devices. Therefore it offers a structured display of...
MCUtools is a collection of plugins for the development of microcontroller firmware. Currently supported toolchains: GNU Toolchain (Targets: AVR® microcontroller, MSP430™...
Convertigo Open Source Low Code / No Code Platform. Convertigo is the first open source Enterprise Grade Low Code / No Code platform to accelerate your Enterprise digitalization...
DS-5™ Community Edition: The Perfect Companion For The Android NDK ARM Development Studio 5 (DS-5™) Community Edition takes Android native development tools to the next level...
Provides tools for Android development. Andmore is being developed under the Eclipse Foundation and is the successor of the Google ADT plugin and the Motorola MOTODEV plugin...
LinK+ IDE is a simple IDE for Linux Kernel Developers and Lovers. It is based on Eclipse IDE customized for Linux kernel programming. It reduces the development time and executes...
UOMo is a Java/OSGi framework adding Units of Measurement support to applications based on simple, but type-safe class models.