Groovy Development Tools
The Groovy Development Tools (GDT) provides Eclipse and Maven (m2e) support for the Apache Groovy programming language. GDT adds full-featured IDE support including editors...
JBoss Tools
JBoss Tools is an umbrella project for a set of Eclipse plugins that includes support for JBoss and related technologies, such as Hibernate, JBoss AS / WildFly, CDI, OpenShift...
Liberty Tools
Liberty Tools for Eclipse IDE offers features for developing cloud-native Java applications with Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty. Iterate fast with Liberty dev mode, code with...
m2e-apt functionality is now directly included in m2e 2.x, therefore this m2e-apt entry is no longer compatible with Eclipse 2022-09 and needs to be removed. m2e-apt aims at...
This m2e connector for WRO4J ( will execute wro4j-maven-plugin:run on Eclipse incremental builds, if a change is detected on css, js, less, json...
Maven Profiles Management
This feature has been contributed to m2e 1.5.0. If you're using it or a more recent version, the JBoss Tools version should be uninstalled. The JBoss Tools team presents Maven...
Quarkus Tools
Quarkus Tools provides easy bootstrapping and code assist for Quarkus.
Red Hat CodeReady Studio (formerly Developer Studio)
Single Development Tool, Tailored for Extreme Productivity. Red Hat CodeReady Studio provides superior support for your entire development lifecycle. It includes a broad set of...
COLA Tests m2e Connector
COLA Tests m2e connector - No longer required (see details) JUnit + BDD = COLA Tests COLA Tests is a BDD framework built on top of JUnit. It is easy to use, setup and above all...
Aspose.BarCode (Maven) Java for Eclipse
The plugin is intended for Java developers who wish to try Aspose.BarCode for Java in their own Barcode Generation & Scanner applications.