Mylyn WikiText
Mylyn WikiText provides lightweight markup (wiki) parsing, editing and display capabilities to the Eclipse platform and Mylyn. Mylyn WikiText can also generate HTML, Docbook, DITA...
LiClipseText is an editor which enables Eclipse to be used as a general-purpose text editor, providing support for multiple languages out of the box. It's the Open Source (EPL...
A Preview view that renders Markdown (GFM),, GraphViz, Mermaid, PlantUML and SVG files.
FluentMark An enhanced Markdown editing environment for Eclipse. Features Standard Markdown syntax Extended syntax Html - inline & block Math - inline & block Latex - inline &...
Mylyn WikiText provides lightweight markup (wiki) parsing, editing and display capabilities to the Eclipse platform and Mylyn. Mylyn WikiText can also generate HTML, Docbook, DITA...
This project provides an Eclipse view which provides a reasonably accurate presentation of GithHub Flavored Markdown (.md) files. Click the Home Page icon above to see further...
This Eclipse plug-in adds syntax highlighting support for the following languages/file formats utilizing Eclipse TM4E: ANTRL4 - Apache HTTP configuration...
Nodeclipse NTS (Node.js Tool Suite) for Windows (x32 & x64) is published on SourceForge. It is based on Eclipse Kepler IDE for Java EE developers and includes Nodeclipse 0.4 and...
Nodeclipse SDK (Standard Development Toolkit) for Windows (x64) is published on SourceForge. It is based on Eclipse Kepler Standard and includes Nodeclipse 0.4 and other plugins...