EcoreTools : Ecore Diagram Editor
EcoreTools is a graphical modeler to create, edit and analyze Ecore models. It provides several a class diagram editor (similar to UML Class Diagrams), a package dependencies...
EMF Forms
EMF Forms provides a new way of developing form-based UIs. Instead of manually coding form-based layouts, it allows you to describe the UI with a simple model instead of with code...
This project will help you to separate properly the EMF generated code and your developed code. When you generate the EMF code, you probably override it with the @generated...
Ecore Documentation Generator
Ecore Documentation Generator is a small utility for adding documentation to EMF metamodels (Ecore and Genmodel files) and generating HTML or LaTeX output.
g9 Database Import
Reverse engineer your database structure into java JPA classes. Create Java classes, or an Xcore or Ecore representation of your exisiting database. g9 Database Model Import is a...
g9 Modeling Tools
Are you developing Java applications that are taking forever to complete? Have you considered implementing web based UIs using React along with RESTful web services, but the time...
Kermeta 2
Kermeta 2 is the evolution of Kermeta workbench. This is a powerful metaprogramming environment based on an model-oriented language optimized for metamodel engineering and DSL...
Kermeta workbench is a powerful metaprogramming environment based on an model-oriented language optimized for metamodel engineering and DSL engineering. Kermeta features a...
DevBoost GmbH
Efficient Methods. Modern Tools. Better Software. DevBoost has long-term experiences with Eclipse and EMF technologies and is the company behind many Eclipse and EMF based open...