EMF Forms

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2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2023-03 (4.27), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-12 (4.30), 2024-03 (4.31), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-06 (4.33)


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Solution Description

EMF Forms provides a new way of developing form-based UIs. Instead of manually coding form-based layouts, it allows you to describe the UI with a simple model instead of with code. The approach allows you to more efficiently produce and iteratively refine form-based UIs that conform to a uniform look and feel. EMF Forms also lowers the technical entry barrier to creating form-based UIs. The UI description is interpreted by a rendering engine and allows you to switch between the UI technology stack to Swing, SWT, JavaFX or Web just by replacing the renderer.

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2023-03 (4.27), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-12 (4.30), 2024-03 (4.31), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-06 (4.33)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: EclipseSource

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 04:28

License: EPL

Date Updated: Friday, October 6, 2023 - 10:49

Submitted by: Johannes Faltermeier

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
July 2024 267/656 39 6
June 2024 221/681 81 13
May 2024 262/682 59 13
April 2024 298/687 45 9
March 2024 333/694 39 5
February 2024 249/687 67 5
January 2024 273/691 58 9
December 2023 286/671 46 4
November 2023 257/686 73 8
October 2023 260/673 72 16
September 2023 268/663 58 13
August 2023 251/673 62 8
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Unsuccessful Installs in the last 7 Days: 2

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