
Add this URL to your Eclipse Installation to reach this solution's update site.

2024-06 (4.33), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2021-03 (4.19), 2020-12 (4.18), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-03 (4.15)

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Solution Description

FileSync plugin for Eclipse is a file synchronisation tool. The main goal is to keep files outside of Eclipse projects in-sync with Eclipse project files. The plugin works as builder in Eclipse and will synchronize all changes on Eclipse project files with mapped external folders. E.g. if a file is created, changed or deleted in Eclipse, then the mapped (external) file will be created, changed or deleted too.

FileSync is often used for J2EE developement to copy *.jsp or *.html files from Eclipse project to webserver/application root and greatly simplifies the J2EE web developement.

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Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2024-06 (4.33), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2021-03 (4.19), 2020-12 (4.18), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-03 (4.15)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: Andrey Loskutov

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - 10:23

License: EPL

Date Updated: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 02:36

Submitted by: Andrey Loskutov

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
July 2024 121/656 192 12
June 2024 124/681 232 14
May 2024 133/682 243 15
April 2024 145/687 218 13
March 2024 140/694 259 5
February 2024 136/687 217 11
January 2024 148/691 210 9
December 2023 147/671 211 10
November 2023 162/686 209 14
October 2023 159/673 208 14
September 2023 143/663 248 11
August 2023 140/673 234 6
View Data for all Listings

Unsuccessful Installs

Unsuccessful Installs in the last 7 Days: 0

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Marketplace Drag to Install Button

By adding the following code below to your website you will be able to add an install button for FileSync.

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Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client

Reviews Add new review

I am using below version of eclipse and unable to install Filesync

Version: Oxygen Release (4.7.0)
Build id: 20170620-1800

Error details :

The following solutions are not available: FileSync (, site=http:// andrei. gmxhome. de/ eclipse/) 

I tried with other versions of eclipse as well, still no luck.

Can anyone help??



I'm using Eclipse 4.7.2 and my project is PHP files. Installed this plugin but there is no FileSync menu in project properties or anywhere except marketplace window to show that this plugin installed.

I'm a user of this filesync plugin for about a year and is completely functional, it lets you select what to sync, where and also what to exclude. I'm using it in addition to PDT project for my PHP Joomla! projects and works just fine! All installation documentation can be found here

The plugin is great but it deserves some basic usage instruction!

For newbies:

- you will find its configuration under Project properties
- it is working as a build feature, so if you want automatic synchronization, you have to enable automatic builds for your project!


I have just started with it, and I already love it. It is simple to install and use. So far, I have used it to automatically deploy the files in a "war" folder to my local tomcat installation, allowing me to carry on with the programming task without worrying of having the files up-to-date every time. This way I did not have to change my workspace and I can use a fresh tomcat installation without configuring anything. (an idea I borrowed from user Bozho in stackoverflow)

Thank you Andrey!


I have just started with it, and I already love it. It is simple to install and use. So far, I have used it to automatically deploy the files in a "war" folder to my local tomcat installation, allowing me to carry on with the programming task without worrying of having the files up-to-date every time. This way I did not have to change my workspace and I can use a fresh tomcat installation without configuring anything. (an idea I borrowed from user Bozho in stackoverflow)

Thank you Andrey!