Eclipse Spectrum Dark Theme

Add this URL to your Eclipse Installation to reach this solution's update site.

2024-06 (4.33), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2021-03 (4.19), 2020-12 (4.18), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-06 (4.16)

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Solution Description

Give Eclipse 4.16+ a fresh new look with Spectrum Theme. This free and open-source dark theme plugin enhances your Eclipse IDE experience with a clean visual overhaul that can be customized to your liking. 

Plugin Features:

  • Spectrum Theme: a clean & flat visual overhaul to Eclipse IDE
  • Customizable theme colors: show your style by changing the colors used in Spectrum Theme. Associate different color schemes on a per-workspace basis.
  • Customizable Project Explorer font: change the size & font of the Project Explorer in Eclipse IDE

Free and Open Source:

Spectrum theme is an open-source project using an EPL 2.0 license. All bugs, feedback, feature ideas, and contributions are encouraged and greatly appreciated. The plugin is constantly improving thanks to community contributions.

Project repository:

Please report any problems or bugs (such as installation errors) on the page below:


Categories: Graphics, IDE, Other, UI

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2024-06 (4.33), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25), 2022-06 (4.24), 2022-03 (4.23), 2021-12 (4.22), 2021-09 (4.21), 2021-06 (4.20), 2021-03 (4.19), 2020-12 (4.18), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-06 (4.16)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Development Status: Alpha

Date Created: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - 08:57

License: EPL 2.0

Date Updated: Monday, July 15, 2024 - 15:00

Submitted by: Andrew Obuchowicz

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
September 2024 0/0 0 0
August 2024 69/641 392 17
July 2024 79/663 392 15
June 2024 75/681 449 19
May 2024 81/682 461 13
April 2024 87/687 441 22
March 2024 75/694 566 16
February 2024 73/687 497 9
January 2024 68/691 620 11
December 2023 71/671 572 6
November 2023 75/686 695 12
October 2023 60/673 783 18
View Data for all Listings

Marketplace Drag to Install Button

By adding the following code below to your website you will be able to add an install button for Eclipse Spectrum Dark Theme.

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Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client

Reviews Add new review

I have been trying to find a dark theme for eclipse for years. This is the first one where I can actually read the menus, icons, and non-editor panels. How novel that this isn't another "dark-text-on-dark-background" theme.

I'd like to change the selected menu from red-background because that seems a little harsh to me. And some of the text (the team repository information in the package explorer panel, for example) is too dark a brown.

But as I said, the first usable dark theme for eclipse. Thank you.

In reply to by Richard MacDonald

Hi Richard, thank you so much for your kind words - I'm glad you're enjoying Spectrum Dark Theme :)

Have you tried modifying the color preferences for spectrum theme? See…. This might help your issue regarding the red background being too harsh.

Feel free to submit a bug report with some screenshots to further demonstrate your problem with the colors:



Hello, I just installed, and i'm pleased with overall black color + red details. Must say is perfect in my view.

As the Title states after installation nothing for this pop's up and it doesn't change any themes. 0/10 It looked cool but it doesnt work.

In reply to by Teyton Trujillo

Sorry to hear the plugin didn't seem to work.


Currently, you have to manually change their Eclipse theme to Spectrum Theme for the plugin to work. To do so, click "Window" on Eclipse's menu bar -> Preferences -> General (on left side of preferences) -> Appearance. Then select "Spectrum" from the "Theme" dropdown box and click Apply. Let me know if this helps.


In a future release, Spectrum Theme will prompt the user to switch themes upon plugin installation. There's an open bug for it here:

The Spectrum theme is visually pleasing and gives the Eclipse IDE a resolutely different look and feel. The author is friendly and open to feedback, don't hesitate to drop a line on the GitHub support page!

I use this as my daily driver on Mac OS. The clean red/black look is imho pretty appealing.

You can even customize the colors to your like - AND the font of the project explorer!