SonarQube for IDE
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML, as well as other languages.
This plug-in helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java/JSP, C/C++, JS/TS/CSS, PHP, Python, and HTML, as well as other languages.
Enables Enterprise Java Bean, Java Enterprise Application, Fragments, and Connector, Java Web Application, JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Servlet, Java Web...
JBoss Tools is an umbrella project for a set of Eclipse plugins that includes support for JBoss and related technologies, such as Hibernate, JBoss AS / WildFly, CDI, OpenShift...
The Checkstyle Plugin (eclipse-cs) integrates the well-known source code analyzer Checkstyle into the Eclipse IDE. Checkstyle is a development tool to help you ensure that your...
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
SpotBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 400 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
Includes the XML, XML Schema, and DTD Editors and Tools, and XSL Developer Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project. For questions and troubleshooting, please use our...
The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that Supports every eclipse flavor (JavaEE, CDT, RCP, you name it!) Supports eclipse version 3.7 - 4.11.0 and most probably...
The Groovy Development Tools (GDT) provides Eclipse and Maven (m2e) support for the Apache Groovy programming language. GDT adds full-featured IDE support including editors...
UCDetector (Unnecessary Code Detector) is a eclipse PlugIn tool to find unnecessary (dead) public java code. For example public classes, methods or fields which have no references.
This is just a SQL editor. It is NOT a full database tool but just an editor for SQL files. Features. Syntax highlighting (Customizable colors, defaults for dark theme, keyword...
Generates a builder according to the GoF pattern for Java domain objects. Features Generates a builder with custom name patterns Can generate staged builder Capable of regenerating...
Apache Directory Studio (formerly known as LDAP Studio) is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for...
Eclipse plugin that handles the derived state of resources from a textual file .derived. See details at