Favorites for kentaro sugiyama
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Spring Tools 4 (aka Spring Tool Suite 4)
Spring Tools 4 is the next generation of Spring Boot tooling for your favorite coding enrivonment. Largely rebuilt from scratch, it provides world-class support for developing...
Enhanced Class Decompiler
Enhanced Class Decompiler integrates CFR, FernFlower, JD, Procyon, Vineflower seamlessly with Eclipse and allows Java developers to debug class files without source code directly...
Checkstyle Plug-in
The Checkstyle Plugin (eclipse-cs) integrates the well-known source code analyzer Checkstyle into the Eclipse IDE. Checkstyle is a development tool to help you ensure that your...
AnyEdit Tools
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
DBeaver is free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It supports more 100 preconfigured database drivers. Features: database schema...
TestNG for Eclipse
This plug-in lets you run your TestNG tests from Eclipse. You can run suites, groups or individual methods. Errors are reported in a separate tab that lets you jump to failing...
Overview plugin for Eclipse
UPDATE 10 JAN 2016: See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321410 There is a possibility that this will be integrated into Eclipse Platform Text. See the above issue on...